c0t0d0s0 nimmt in seinem blogeintrag auch stellung zu den "neuen" features von aix 6 beta.
interssant ist aber auch die einleitung auf der aix 6 beta wepage.
--- beginn ausschnitt ----
Openness, such as compliance with open standards, has always been an integral part of the AIX™ operating system (OS). The next release of AIX, Version 6.1, extends this openness to the product release process with the first ever AIX open beta. The open beta will allow a broad set of IBM clients to download and gain experience with AIX 6 before it becomes generally available.
An "open" beta for the next AIX release differs from the traditional beta in three key areas:
- Almost anyone who is interested will be able to download and install a pre-release version of AIX 6. By contrast, only a few clients would have the opportunity to test a new AIX release in a traditional beta.
- Participants in the open beta will not receive traditional support from IBM. Instead, you access a Web forum to discuss questions and issues.
- The only legal document required for participation in the open beta is a "click to accept" license agreement that clearly states all program conditions.
open ist in meinen augen etwas anderes ... open heisst sich generell und aktiv für offene standarts einzusetzen (sun) ... open heisst den sourcecode offen zu legen (sun) ... open heisst eine community zu bauen und zu unterstützen (sun) ... open heisst sein betriebssystem für nicht kommerzielle anwendungen frei zur verfügung zu stellen (sun)
open heisst nicht nur sich inspirieren zu lassen und dann den kunden beta-tester sein lassen (ibm)